On March 6, Makenna turned 4 months. At her doctor's appointment, we found out she weighed 16 pounds and was 26 inches. 95% percentile! Our big girl is getting bigger by the day.
L.A. Baby
(In case you can't read the onesie, it says: Milk?! I ordered a 1/3 decaf triple grande sugar-free vanilla 1% no foam extra hot light whip latte with a light dusting of cinnamon!)

Makenna got to meet Auntie Maritza

Proud of her 1/8th (or a little more) Irish roots!
Side note: Makenna rolled over on St. Patty's Day for the first time. She rolled from her back to her tummy! I missed it, because she did it while I was looking away. Since then, she has only rolled over once. I guess it will take some time for her to perfect her rolling skills.
Mommy and Daddy got a rare night out. (Makenna didn't look too happy about that).
Nudie Cutie
Makenna loves her daddy!
Her first outing in the Baby Bjorn. She loved it!

Napping with Mommy

With Cousin Jasmin
*Note to Our Loyal Blog Followers:
We have been without a computer for about a month now. Before that our computer was on the fritz. So, I haven't been blogging as much as I would like to. Now, we have a shiny new computer and I plan to put new posts up much more regularly (my goal: once a week).
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